50001 Ready Navigator Playbook

What is the Playbook?
The Playbook consists of 25 worksheets (Microsoft Word format), one for each 50001 Ready Navigator task, plus two data trackers (Microsoft Excel format) that function together as a workbook. All Playbook files are unlocked and can be fully customized for your own use.
How does it work?
Each worksheet can be used independently or together to create a living record of your organization’s energy management system.
Use of the Playbook is optional and is not required to receive 50001 Ready recognition from the U.S. Department of Energy.
You can store your Playbook files on your local computer system. The 50001 Ready Navigator does not accept upload of Playbook files to protect your confidential information.
Consider using the Playbook if any of these statements are true for you:
- I am interested in creating a living repository of all of our organization’s efforts in implementing an energy management system.
- I would like to take your organization’s progress and documentation offline or upload the information to an internally accessible location.
- I want to learn more about a particular task and how to potentially meet its recommendations. Tip: Use just a few or all of these resources and in any particular order - Whatever works best for you.
- I am looking for guidance, and additionally may want to modify the Playbook content to more closely fit the needs of our organization.
Name | Short Description | Version | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 01 | An EnMS and your Organization | PB.01.01.02 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 02 | People and Legal Requirements Affecting the EnMS | PB.02.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 03 | Scope and Boundaries | PB.03.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 04 | Management Commitment | PB.04.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 05 | Energy Policy | PB.05.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 06 | Energy Team and Resources | PB.06.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 07 | Risks to EnMS Success | PB.07.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 08 | Energy Data Collection and Analysis | PB.08.01.02 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 09 | Significant Energy Uses | PB.09.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 10 | Improvement Opportunities | PB.10.01.01 | |
Energy Performance Improvement Opportunity Tracker | Track Various Energy Saving Opportunities | OT.10.01.00 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 11 | EnPIs and EnBs | PB.11.01.02 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 12 | Objectives and Targets | PB.12.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 13 | Action Plans for Continual Improvement | PB.13.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 14 | Competence and Training | PB.14.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 15 | Awareness and Communication | PB.15.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 16 | Documenting the EnMS | PB.16.02.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 17 | Operational Controls | PB.17.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 18 | Energy Considerations in Design | PB.18.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 19 | Energy Considerations in Procurement | PB.19.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 20 | Monitoring and Measurement of the EnMS | PB.20.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 21 | Monitoring and Measurement of Energy Performance Improvement | PB.21.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 22 | Internal Audit | PB.22.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 23 | Management Review | PB.23.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 24 | Corrective Actions | PB.24.01.01 | |
50001 Ready Playbook Task 25 | Continual Improvement | PB.25.01.01 |
129 Resources
Name | Short Description | |
50001 Ready Energy Consumption Baseline Report | Energy Consumption Baseline report to satisfy the energy reporting requirement for initial 50001 Ready recognition. | |
50001 Ready Energy Report for Portfolio Manager | 50001 Ready reporting template for Portfolio Manager | |
50001 Ready Navigator Playbook | The 50001 Ready Navigator Playbook is an optional resource for teams as they work through the 50001 Ready Navigator tasks. This companion resource offers a repository to organize, save, and track completed documents on a local drive or network. Within the playbook, users can open, edit, and save forms related to Navigator tasks and track completed actions by checking boxes in the forms. This version of the playbook is a beta version. | |
50001 Ready Protocol | The U.S. DOE 50001 Ready Protocol sets forth the verifiable methodology for determining and demonstrating achievement of the energy performance improvement level claimed by an organization for a defined facility. | |
50001 Ready Self-Attestation Form | This document is for energy management teams using the 50001 Ready Navigator tool to attest to the U.S. Department of Energy that they have successfully implemented a 50001 Ready energy management system. This document must be signed by an Energy Management Representative with the responsibility and authority to make this attestation and by an Top Management executive. | |
AMO Training Webpage | This resource link is to guide users to available AMO courses offerings available through Instructor-led classes and workshops and self-paced interactive e-learning courses. | |
Advanced Manufacturing Office Training Website | Training on various systems/components that use energy is available to help manufacturing plants and buildings run more efficiently. | |
Audit Finding Form | Template for users to document audit findings. | |
Business Drivers and the EnMS | This Resource is helpful to understand the different types of business drivers for the development of an EnMS and to help organizations to think about energy, energy management and improved energy performance within the context of an organization and its current and future business priorities and needs. | |
CAR/PAR Tracking Log (example) | This resource gives users an example of a corrective action / preventive action request tracking log. | |
Calibration Plan | This worksheet is a reference for users who wish to develop a calibration plan. | |
Calibration Record | This reference may be used as documented evidence of implementation of the facility calibration plan. | |
Case Study for a Large Enterprise | This resource shows energy tracking data for a large food manufacturing plant. Energy data being tracked include utility inputs, annual energy cost for electricity and natural gas, and water usage and cost. | |
Checklist for Making Decisions on EmNS Documentation | This resource provides users examples of criteria that could be useful in making decisions about documentation needed by the organization for its EnMS. | |
Checklist of Document Control Basics | This resource supports the tracking of documents, helping to keep them up-to-date. | |
Checklist of Other Factors Affecting EnPIs | This resource is a checklist of other factors affecting the EnPIs, with indicators showing R^2 and P values. | |
Checklist of Other Methods to Identify Energy Opportunities | A checklist that users may use to document recommendations/findings of other methods being used to identify energy opportunities. | |
Checklist of Potential EnPIs | A Y/N checklist to determine potential EnPIs. | |
Competency Requirements and Record Form | A standard form may be used to track, record and validate SEU competency requirements. | |
Competency Requirments and Record Form Example | This resource gives users an example of how the competency requirements and record form may look and be used for tracking/following up/validation. | |
Compliance Evaluation Checklist | A checklist template to document compliance evaluations. | |
Corrective Action-Preventive Action Request Tracking Log | A template to track and log organizational corrective action / preventive action requests. | |
Corrective Action/Preventive Action Request Form | A template to create an internal corrective action request form in order to process their organizational corrective action / preventive action request requests. | |
DOE Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI) tool | The EnPI tool is a regression analysis based tool developed by the U.S. Department of Energy to help plant and corporate managers establish a normalized baseline of energy consumption, track annual progress of intensity improvements, energy savings, Superior Energy Performance (SEP) EnPIs, and other EnPIs that account for variations due to weather, production, and other variables. | |
Data Collection Management Matrix | This matrix table can be used to track and collect data. | |
Data Collection Management Matrix Commercial (example) | A data collection management matrix table with example commercial data populating fields for reference purposes. | |
Data Collection Management Matrix Industrial (example) | A data collection matrix table with example industrial data populating fields for reference purposes. | |
Data Collection Responsibilities Table | A matrix table template for users to document their organization's data collection responsibilities. | |
Documenting SEU Criteria and Method Worksheet | A template for users to document their organizational criteria method used in identifying and establishing significant energy uses. | |
ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management | ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management guidance document. | |
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager® | EPA's online energy management and tracking tool enables you to measure and track the energy and water performance of any building over time. | |
Elevator Speech Worksheet | A worksheet used to develop the presentation for “selling” the energy management system (EnMS) to top management and other key decision makers. | |
EnMS Awareness Requirements Form | This resource gives the user a planning form to track, document, follow up and record the awareness program | |
EnMS Document Control Index | A resource for users to keep track of documents: where they are distributed, next review date, document owner and approval authority. | |
EnMS Document Control Index Example | An example EnMS document control index, with information filled out to show the tracking of documents: where they are distributed, next review date, document owner and approval authority. | |
EnMS Documentation Guidance Table | A guidance table showing ISO 50001 references applicable to the 50001 Ready Navigator Tasks. | |
EnMS External Communications Log | A worksheet template to log EnMS external communications within an organization. | |
EnMS External Communications Record | A resource that may be used as documented evidence as a "record" on external communication. | |
EnMS Records Check and Use the Evidence | This resource presents users with the PDCA methodolgy to be used in checking records and using evidence from the EnMS. | |
EnMS Records Control Index | A template for use while documenting an EnMS Control Index . | |
EnMS Records Control Index Example | This resource provides an example of an EnMS document control index table. | |
EnMS Suggestion Form | An example of a form employees may use to submit suggestions on energy improvments. | |
EnMS Training Needs Planning Matrix | This resource gives users a standard form they may use to track, document their training plan needs. | |
EnMs Training Needs Planning Matrix Example | This resource provides a training needs planning matrix with example information to support users in beginning this process. | |
EnPI Lite | The U.S. DOE Energy Performance Indicator Lite (EnPI Lite) tool estimates energy savings relative to relevant variables like production levels and weather. | |
EnPI Tracking Example | A worksheet with example data populating a matrix that may be used to track EnPIs. | |
Energy Balance Example | An example energy balance for a small food processing plant. | |
Energy Considerations in Design Worksheet | A template for use when reviewing and considering design energy inputs. | |
Energy Footprint Lite Data Uploader | The Energy Footprint Lite Data Uploader provides a structure format to track energy consumption and relevant variables. | |
Energy Footprint Tool | The Energy Footprint Tool can help manufacturing, commercial and institutional facilities to track their energy consumption, factors related to energy use, and significant energy end-use. | |
Energy Footprint Tool Guide | Detailed guide for the Energy Footprint Tool. | |
Energy Footprint Tool Video | Video walk-through of the Energy Footprint Tool. | |
Energy Intensity Baselining and Tracking Guidance | The Energy Intensity Baselining and Tracking Guidance for the Better Buildings, Better Plants Program helps companies meet the program’s reporting requirements by describing the steps necessary to develop an energy consumption and energy intensity baseline and calculating consumption and intensity changes over time. Most of the calculation steps described in this document are performed automatically by DOE’s Energy Performance Indicator 4.0 tool. | |
Energy Management Action Plan Example | An example energy management action plan. | |
Energy Management Action Plan Template | A template to assist in the preparation of an energy management action plan (i.e., action plan) | |
Energy Manual Guidelines | This resource provides information on using an energy manual to document the elements of the EnMS. | |
Energy Measurement Plan Worksheet | A worksheet to assist in the development an energy measurement plan for their facility | |
Energy Objectives and Targets Worksheet | This worksheet provides a template for users to document Energy Objectives and Targets for their EnMS. | |
Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs) for Common Energy Systems (example) | This resources shows examples on tracking energy performance indicators (EnPIs): units, related system and notes. | |
Energy Policy Example | This resource is an example energy policy that can be useful in developing an organizational energy policy. | |
Energy Policy Worksheets | This resource is used to help develop an organizational energy policy that meets the basic expectations for an ISO 50001 energy policy. | |
Energy Purchasing Specification Summary | A summary sheet that may be used for documentation on energy purchases including authorization. | |
Energy Purchasing Specification Worksheets | This resource is a worksheet for users that provide details in their energy purchases. | |
Energy Team Roster | This resource can be used to document the members of the energy team and their responsibilities, as well as to provide a reference for determining whether the functions and individuals who can provide a relevant perspective on energy use and the energy management system have been included. | |
Energy Tracking Small Enterprise Case Study (example) | This resource shows a very simple approach to energy tracking which may be adequate for many small businesses. | |
Energy Use Worksheet | This resource helps users identify systems, equipment, processes and operations that use the most significant amounts of energy. | |
Equipment Calibration Record | This resource can be used as documented evidence of an implemented Equipment Calibration process within the facility. | |
Equipment Energy Measurement Plan | This resource provides guidance on developing an equipment energy measurement plan. | |
Equipment Energy Measurement Plan Example | This worksheet shows an example of an Equipment Energy Measurement Plan. | |
Equipment List for a Commercial Building | This resource lists examples of commercial building equipment. | |
Equipment List for a Small Manufacturer | This resource lists examples of industrial plant equipment. | |
Equipment List for an Industrial Plant | This resource lists examples of industrial plant equipment. | |
Example Misapplications of Energy-Efficient Technologies | This resource gives users a practical example of how energy efficient technologies may be used incorrectly in motor and AC applications. | |
Example input and output of the Energy Footprint tool for a hypothetical commercial building | The Energy Footprint Tool can help manufacturing, commercial and institutional facilities to track their energy consumption, factors related to energy use, and significant energy end-use. | |
Example input and output of the Energy Footprint tool for a hypothetical industrial facility | The Energy Footprint Tool can help manufacturing, commercial and institutional facilities to track their energy consumption, factors related to energy use, and significant energy end-use. | |
External Communications Planning Worksheet | Resource template worksheet provided to support the users while developing their external communication plan | |
Format for Internal Audit Schedule-Commercial Building (example) | An example format for an annual Internal Audit Schedule by department/function. This format is designed to capture the auditing of all EnMS processes and energy performance improvements across all relevant departments/functions. | |
Format for Internal Audit Schedule-Manufacturing (example) | An example format for an annual Internal Audit Schedule by department/function. This format is designed to capture the auditing of all EnMS processes and energy performance improvements across all relevant departments/functions. | |
General EnMS Awareness Presentation | An example of a presentation that can be used as a basis to help train and communicate EnMS Awareness to all affected employees. | |
General EnMS Awareness Presentation Template | This Powerpoint resource can be used as a basis to help train and communicate EnMS Awareness to all affected employees. | |
Generally accepted EnPIs | A list of examples of energy performance indicators (EnPIs) for common energy systems. | |
ISO 50001 standard (site license) | Site licenses of the ISO 50001 standard (for posting on internal networks) available for purchase | |
Initial EnMS Awareness Presentation (example) | This resource shows an example presentation that can be used to raise awareness of your energy management system to your organization. | |
Initial EnMS Awareness Presentation Template | This resource shows a template powerpoint presentation that can be used to raise awareness of your energy management system to your organization. | |
Internal Audit Plan Template | A template that can be used when starting an internal audit plan. | |
Internal Audit Plan-Commercial (example) | An audit schedule filled in with commercial building headers to provide users with a demonstration of what the audit schedule may simulate. | |
Internal Audit Plan-Industrial (example) | An audit schedule filled in with industrial facility headers to provide users with a demonstration of what the audit schedule may simulate. | |
Internal Audit Schedule (example) | An audit schedule filled in to provide users with a demonstration of what the audit schedule may simulate. | |
Internal Audit Schedule Template | This template provides users a monthly overview when beginning to schedule internal audits. | |
Internal EnMS Communications Planning Worksheet | A standard template to use for communications organizational planning. | |
Introduction to Internal Auditing Concepts | A detailed overview of internal audit concepts. | |
Key Internal Influencers Worksheet (example) | An example worksheet used to identify individuals in the organization whose responsibilities or activities would affect or be affected by the organization’s energy use and consumption. | |
Key Internal Influencers Worksheet | A worksheet to identify individuals in the organization whose responsibilities or activities would affect or be affected by the organization’s energy use and consumption. | |
Legal and Other Requirements Related to Energy (example) | This resource provides examples of the energy-related legal and other requirements related to the use and consumption of energy at an industrial facility. | |
Legal and Other Requirements Tracking Matrix | A blank template for users to begin tracking legal and other requirements. | |
Life Cycle Cost Assessment Worksheet | This spreadsheet assists users in performing a life-cycle cost analysis. | |
Life Cycle Cost Assessment Worksheet (example) | A spreadsheet with example data filled in to help guide users through the cost analysis process. | |
Life Cycle Resources List | This resource provides various links for users to reference on different websites. | |
Management Briefing Agenda (example) | This resources details an example agenda for an energy management system business case briefing to be delivered to senior leadership. | |
Management Review Data Assignment Sheet | A template to assist in planning out the management review with assignments. | |
Management Review Preparation Information (example) | This resource provides an example of detailed information compiled for management review that would be summarized further and visually enhanced to present to top management. These details would then be maintained as back-up information for the management representative in the event it is needed to answer questions from management during the review. | |
Management Review Presentation (example) | An example management review presentation that can be customized for any organization. | |
Management Review Record Form | A template that may be used to document the management review, attendees and what was covered/need follow up. | |
Methodology for Conducting an Energy Balance | A description of the methodology for conducting an energy balance. | |
Monitoring and Measurement of Key Characteristics Planning Worksheet | A worksheet to assist users in identifying, planning and documenting key characteristics. | |
Monitoring and Measurement of Key Characteristics Planning Worksheet (example) | This worksheet helps to understand key characteristics needed in during the monitoring and measurement planning cycle. | |
Operational Controls Checklist | This checklist provides guidance on SEU operational controls. | |
Personnel Associated with Significant Energy Uses (example) | This resource lists examples of personnel associated with significant energy users within the organization. | |
Plan-Do-Check-Act Components of ISO 50001 | A description of the Plan-Do-Check-Act continual improvement structure and how it relates to ISO 50001. | |
Potential Responsible Parties for Data Collection | This document provides a listing of the possible positions to be assigned energy management data collection responsibilities. | |
Prioritizing Energy Opportunities Examples and Worksheets | This checklist shows examples on documenting how and why opportunities are prioritized. | |
Process Flow Diagram (example) | This document shows users an example of what a process flow diagram looks like for an energy system. | |
Procurement Checklist | This checklist can be used to review your organization’s current purchasing process for products, equipment and energy services that can significantly impact energy performance. | |
Project Management for EnMS Implementation | This resource details the steps that need to be taken to establish the structure for EnMS implementation at an organization. The four steps described in this resource are: Step 1 - Set the timeframe for implementation Step 2 - Develop the implementation plan Step 3 - Establish communication channels Step 4 - Celebrate success often | |
Responsibility and Authority Matrix for Energy-Related External Communications (example) | This resource gives users an overview of the people, and organizations that should receive EnMS external communication. | |
SEU Control Chart | A template spreadsheet form to track, record, and validate the implementation process for SEUs. | |
SEU Control Chart Example | An example of what an SEU control chart can look like and may be used to track/record/document/validate the PDCA process. | |
SEU Future Energy Estimate Worksheet | This worsheet provides users with a spreadsheet to calculate expected energy consumption demands. | |
Scope and Boundaries (example) | This resources provides example scope and boundaries statements for both industrial facilities and commercial buildings. | |
Scope and Boundaries Worksheet | This worksheet is helpful in defining the scope and boundaries of an energy management system. | |
Significant Energy Use Operating Criteria Worksheet | This document provides guidance in developing criteria for SEUs, helping to define operating criteria specifications for an equipment related significant energy use. | |
Superior Energy Performance | ||
System Assessment Tools | A listing of industrial energy system tools developed by the U.S. DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office. | |
The Benefits of ISO 50001 | The DOE Advanced Manufacturing Office ISO 50001 Frequently Asked Questions webpage. | |
The Business Case for Energy Efficiency | ||
Types of Energy Management Data (examples) | A list of examples of energy management data. | |
Understanding EnMS Documentation | The purpose of this guidance is to help in understanding the basics of EnMS documentation. It provides information on items that must be documented or recorded, as well as guidance for determining what additional documentation your specific organization needs. | |
Working with Corporate to Establish Energy Related Procurement Processes | This resource is a "questions" checklist for users to evaluate and determine a baseline and develop action plans in establishing energy related procurement processes. | |
several energy modeling and software programs | Resource gives a brief overview of several energy modeling software programs to help users decide which application may be best for their organization |